Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; And confirm for us the work of our hands; Yes, confirm the work of our hands.
Psalm 90:17

Thursday, May 16, 2013

At least one post in May~

  Just one, probably, because I'm busy as the bees and blogging while busy is not a priority. There's been mostly theatre work but I squeaked in a bit of piecework. I had the pleasure of testing another pattern for Cindy of Quilt Doodle Doodles. On the first warm afternoon here in SE Virginny I found myself childless for the day. Some may consider that a great time to do housework but that's silly.  I cleaned up pollen from the front porch and made myself cozy with a pitcher of iced tea and news radio and stitched away on the embroidery. The piecing had to wait because of Mom's illness (more on that later) but I finished up these two sweet blocks this week.

Cindy's patterns are available on  Patternspot  - they are adorable and so easy to put together. And no--- I am NOT a paid spokesman! lol! I just really get a giggle from her cute characters!

 Since my last post in March (!) I have:
~Opened and closed 'Scapin". It was a good show, no drama, pretty easy costuming. The director and I disagreed on a couple of pieces but we compromised. No pictures yet. I rarely get any from the college shows.

~Avenue Q opens tomorrow. Very easy to costume; just time consuming in the running around and gathering. Very little sewing. I was behind, though, because of:

~Planned a 4-day trip with all 4 of my children together for the first time in years to see my parents in Boston but, right before we left, my mom was hospitalized. I went up by myself instead and stayed for about a week and a half to help care for her. I traveled the day after the Marathon bombing so it was a crazy week of watching endless news coverage with a smattering of Red Sox games on Mom's hospital room TV. Fortunately, she is much better and comfortable at home.

~Began work on summer Shakespeare~ I can't believe it's Grove time again. It's my sixth and second go-'round with "Midsummer Night's Dream".  A new director who's looking for traditional Greek with Lord of the Rings-meets-Hellboy for the fairies. Jacie has been cast as the 'changeling boy'. This one will be cool.

~Beginning work on LTVB's summer musical, "Rent". A little more sewing than "...Q" but again it's mostly thrift store shopping and gathering.

 ~Planning a drama for a new week of camp. This is different from the week I usually do. This one is called Expressions of Worship and it teaches kids to use performing arts to glorify God. It's a new camp experience for me and I'm excited, but a bit apprehensive, about it.  I have not been contacted about the "usual" week I work so I am assuming that the person taking over that week doesn't need me. One less week to plan, I guess.

  I have signed on for four shows this next season. September brings "9-5", November has both "Parade" and "Proof" (and I'll be the assitant director for that) and "Next to Normal" in the spring. Plus whatever the college has in store... another happy, busy season!