Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; And confirm for us the work of our hands; Yes, confirm the work of our hands.
Psalm 90:17

Monday, May 4, 2009

Working-The Musical

"Hey somebody do'ya want to hear the story of my life?"

So begins the narrative of my latest project, simply titled "Working''. It's based on the book by Studs Terkel in which ordinary working class people were interviewed about their jobs and Studs wrote their exact words into a book. Then some brilliant musical minds wrote songs to accompany their stories and what you have is two hours of humor, pathos, hope and the good feeling that comes with knowing you're not alone. It's not a difficult show to costume--- it's everyday clothes with a few uniform pieces thrown in--- and it's a tremendous burden lifter that the cast brought in pieces of their own for much of it. The challenge in this show is the sheer size of the cast and keeping up with all the individual pieces. I am really enjoying this group. They're true 'amateur professionals' and they sound fabulous. I was not looking forward to the usual hanging around the dressing room, waiting for a button to pop so I asked for another job during my 'since I'm here anyway' hours. So, in a throwback to my college days, I will be sharing the lightboard operations with the lighting designer. ALWAYS excited to learn something new 'bout theatre work! "Working" opens this weekend but before then I will be 'working' on my sketches for "Macbeth". Now THAT is going to be a challenge! I see alot of leather and studs in my future...

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