It's one thing to sew for myself or my children. It's quite another to sew for someone who's paying you and expecting a good job. When I dress a bride or costume a show I always have the utmost confidence as I start and I dissolve to near panic as the time draws near to deliver. I'm certain my customer will see the flaws I see, will hate it or it just plain won't fit. So when I set out to deliver a final I find myself anxious and a little breathless. This was how I felt this weekend as I sent the mentioned-a-few-weeks-ago She-Ra off to her home. It didn't help that it was Columbus Day weekend which delayed her delivery by a day. I was especially worried about fit, having never met my sweet gal in person and had to rely on measurements taken by someone else. ( I changed the zipper to a lace-up back; much more forgiving!) But I'm happy to say that except for a little tuck in the shoulder straps all is well and she sounds quite pleased. All is good in the cave. "Playboy of the Western World" can now take over. And I begin the cycle again.
On a disappointing note: I had been asked to costume "Into the Woods" in the spring for a local theatre--- probably because they knew I had done it before and still own most of the costumes. Unfortunately, it seems the drama company who owns the rights has pulled permission to do it. Maybe they're touring? I dunno. But it made me sad.
On a happpier note: I asked God to replace "Into the Woods" because after Christmas I will be done with TCC's show and Christmas sewing and I just don't feel productive unless I'm fretting about something. So my good friend J from Encore called to ask if I was interested in a spring show for another local theatre. It's not written in stone yet but I'm not worried. God is good.