Any way...
I don't normally take pictures during the show runs because:
1. I know someone else always does and they're usually better than any I take and
2. I rarely think to bring a camera.
But I did this weekend and grabbed a few shots backstage of the main characters, except Aida. I'll get her next week. I hope. But here is Radames:
One of her MANY costumes!
Mereb and Nehebka:
Jacie managed to sneak out front and tried to snap a few non-flash pictures during the show, from the side. Not great, but here's lovely Aida with my sweet Nubians during 'Dance of the Robe':
I must get better pictures-- although it's not everything I designed/wanted due to time constraints and quick changes, I am really pleased with this show and want to 'book' this one!