Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; And confirm for us the work of our hands; Yes, confirm the work of our hands.
Psalm 90:17

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Spring means two things around here. First is Jacie's birthday-- my youngest baby will be 12 this year and I have no idea how on God's green earth it happened so quickly. Then it's Philip's and how is it possible he's 15? But since Ashley is now a wife and mother, Corey is graduating with his culinary degree-- time has truly passed and they are all no longer babies. *sigh* B's birthday sneaks in right between them-- he gets to catch up to me for a few months until I pull ahead again! ;)

It's also time to get serious about the spring show for the community college. This spring they're presenting "Leaving Iowa"; a funny but touching comedy about family vacations and saying goodbye. I like it. It's going to be fairly simple to costume but lots of little detail pieces to keep track of. No biggie; I tend to do better with bigger casts. And I'm helping with props a bit. Yesterday I made a huge Rice Krispie treat for the show. I'm actually not sure it is big enough but it'll do for rehearsal!

While that is going on, I'm starting to pull together the next show for my Little Theatre, "Into the Woods". This is the second go-round for me and this show. I have quite a lot of what we'll need in my collection already but I will have to make some new pieces. This is not, unlike 'Iowa', a thrift-store show. I love it. It is my second favorite show ever and I'm so happy to be a part of this one.

Simultaneously, it will be time to start summer Shakespeare...

So, with schooling, home, and theatre work I guess I'd be nuts to take on something else, right? Well... I was poking around and found this great blog ( http://www.stitchedincolor.com/2011/02/bottled-rainbows-ticker-tape-quilt.html ) and she's got a really cool sew along project starting in March. It's expected to go through June-- just like my shows! Truth is, I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up but I'm going to try. I'm always drawn to fabric collections presented as 'rainbows' and this certainly fits the bill. We'll see what gets done!

Holy Krispie treat, Batman!

Oh, yeah, did I mention I have a request for a wedding gown, too?... *faints*


Julia said...

The busiest people tend to be the ones whom others call on to do more stuff! Also, they are the ones who keep saying, "Yes." Good luck with all these projects.

Donna said...

Mickey...Julia is right. I'm happy for you to have so many fun things on your plate, but this year..I just stopped. I'm saying NO until I catch up. And I'm determined to paint our house.
Wedding gowns are not for the faint of heart! You are amazing!

Dmarie said...

ooh, just think, your handiwork will be remembered by that bride forever! wow! you are one busy bee