One of the things I really wanted to complete this spring was this display. It sits to the right of our front door to welcome folks and give 'em an idea of what we're about. It started with an old sewing machine my sister gave me. It had been in her garage for years. It was in it's original table but, sadly, the wood was so badly warped and mildewed it was not salvageable. Since I couldn't save it, my dad helped me remove the machine and the iron treadle/stand and pack it in my little Rio for the trip home from NH to VA, where it sat on the porch since last September.
Last week, B and I bought some wood to make a tray and I hit the treadle with a touch of flat black spray paint. I wiped it down to remove the dust and cobwebs but I didn't try to cover up or remove the rust. I liked the look.
We stained the tray and while it was drying I cleaned up the machine with some Mr. Clean. I should note that there was no hope of using this machine- it would need a complete re-build so I was okay with re-purposing it for decorative use! I had to use a light touch with the Mr. Clean so it wouldn't ruin the paint. Then I sprayed it with a clear protective spray.
I secured the tray to the treadle base, set the machine on it with some scrap wood to level it and arranged some flower pots I had around. I chose flowers and vines that would offer color and green fill, as well as different levels try it make it pretty and interesting. The flowers represent my husband (the aforementioned 'B'); he loves his flowers. (The cow is also 'him'!) And I figure if you've been reading me, you know what the sewing machine stands for! This picture was taken the day after planting. It has since filled out a little more.
I think the amazing part of this whole project was I dreamed it up on the ride home from our visit last fall--- and less than a year later it has actually come to fruition. That HAS to be a record for me! Thanks, B!