Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; And confirm for us the work of our hands; Yes, confirm the work of our hands.
Psalm 90:17

Saturday, July 23, 2011

There's no place like home--

<-- Jacie at camp-- with hat, of course!
Camp is always the best/worst, longest/shortest, most trying/most fulfilling week of the year. It didn't help that it was the hottest week so far this year; it was good that we had many new little faces ready to learn about Jesus. Some of the returning campers I'll never see again as they have reached the age limit this year. Did I make a difference? We had five decisions for Christ this week; two of them asked me to perform their baptisms. It was an honor. Will they have their families support when they get home to continue in their Christian walk? I can only pray they do. It was wonderful that their parents not only gave permission, they came to camp to witness. Thank you God!

I'm also kind of glad Bottled Rainbows didn't make it onto my bunk. A year tends to dull some memories and I did forget what my quilt would go through at camp. I picked up an inexpensive dorm quilt at WallyWorld before we left and by the end of the week it had my suitcase dragged across it many times a day. The little one in the bunk above mine tossed her dirty clothes, shoes, wet swimsuit and towels on it and left them there until I found them at bedtime (everyday, despite repeated reminders to hang 'em outside). At devotion time before bed it was a game to see how many campers could cram in to sit with me. I didn't mind, even though it meant lots of sandy little feet climbing aboard. It caught a few tears from a few upset campers. It was where we sat for homesick hugs, hurt feeling hugs and goodmorning & goodnight hugs. (Nope, didn't mind that at all. I brought plenty of hugs.)It was the base under some good talks and lots of girly giggles. It did it's job. I'm afraid if I had brought BR I would have been so concerned about my quilt that I wouldn't let the things that happen at camp happen and that could ruin the girls experience. I don't want to be known as the dorm mom who was too concerned about her stuff than the girls who needed her. I will forget names and faces over the year but may I never forget that I go to camp for them and not to show off my latest creation on my bunk.

1 comment:

Impera Magna said...

A cheapy dorm quilt is always better for camp... always! Sounds as if yours got a good work out!