Okay, so we've already established that I'm not an everyday writer. But I have two things bothering me today so I'll write.
The first is I need to be an everyday sewer and I'm not. Everyday I wake up, convined I am going to take care of the baby (a newborn I watch for 4 1/2 hours evry morning), get the kids through schoolwork and have the afternoon to sew myself silly. I was so convinced of this I was sure I would have She-Ra finished up and in the mail over a week ago. But life intervenes. Always. Run the kids to soccer. Run the kids to Bible study. Clean the house. Again. Adult Bible study Sunday evening. Run to a meeting for the new show---oh, by the way we need publicity pictures. Throw something together in a couple of days just for picture purposes. And give up another afternoon to do the photo shoot. Mommies needing more time in the day is not something new and I am certainly not complaining about being Mommy. I just wish sometimes...
The second thing is I'm really missing Jane and my Encore friends today. For about five years I was a part of this terrific group of people who shared a love for theatre and a love for Jane. She's been gone two and a half years now; our group is scattered and I miss them so much. I think it was driven home two days ago... I was poking around a thrift store, looking for items for "Playboy" when I saw a velvet jacket on the floor near the costume rack. I picked it up and my mouth dropped open--- it was exactly like one of the narrator's jackets we used in "Joseph...". I thought "What a coincedence..." and started to move away when I spotted a dress of white and gold netting that looked like the Egyptian girls' dresses. From Joseph. "It can't be, " I thought, but a quick shuffle through the rack turned up three more. And the players' names were written in them. They were costume pieces from the Encore Players. In a thrift store. And my heart broke again. I checked the dresses to make sure "mine" wasn't there (I would've bought it in a second) and hurried to the register and paid for my one find. Then I went to the car and I cried some. Then I picked up the kids and went home to lose myself in Project Runway and try to forget.
The real kicker to the day was this though--- a fellow former Encorian, Rose Marie, had called me
just that morning. We're having lunch next week. I can't wait!
Oh, and for my sewing friends out there-- my one find at the thrift store was a piece of 100 % cotton calico; 45" X (about) 4 yards long. Two dollars and ninety-nine cents. Yeah, baby!